In Pursuit of 1%.

1%. It doesn’t sound like much.

When we think of performance generally, we usually think about the big changes as being the most important such as upgrading to that new tennis racket, working with a new coach, a wearing the latest smart watch to track your vitals.

Sure, these could all be impactful changes when done right but they don’t (and shouldn’t) happen that often and can be high risk, high cost, and potentially low return if poorly executed.

Whether it’s treating unwell patients, rehearsing for a concert or practicing your technique off the field we all want to take it to the next level and make our best, better.

At Hard Yards we take a different approach, we pursue the 1%.

We strive to find those small changes; seemingly insignificant day-to-day that over time aggregate and accumulate to make a massive difference to your long-term game.

It might be a minor adjustment to your grip. Perhaps you take that extra minute to visualise your game plan before you head out to the pitch. Or you might invest in something you wear each and every time you play and it’s not until you look back that you see the gains you have made and the hurdles you have overcome.

But like any change, if you are not consistent, you’ll not reap the rewards. As an illustration of the effects of small, consistent gains you can see the long-term power of chasing those 1%s.

We are here to help you reclaim these 1%s!

Credit : Mr James Clear -

Credit : Mr James Clear -


Grip that breaks ground.


Serious About Sustainability